Dedicated to Truth and Justice, and anything cool.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Classic prank - as long as you ain't the prankee
Mentos and Diet Coke - has there been a better find in chemical and prank history after compressed air and the whoopee cushion? We've seen all manner of interesting things done from Mythbusters testing exactly what it is in the two substances that makes the violent reaction, to the guys on Youtube with their Coke\Mentos synchronised musical fountains. Lets not forget all the idiots eating mentos and drinking coke to "see what happens". Darwin would be proud. But its always interesting to see new and inventive ways to use old tricks. See after the jump for a neat, and messy way to entertain yourself and perhaps make a new enemy.
even when you know whats gonna happen its still funny shit, specially when there is a hot babe involved.
aye - they should make more of these types of clips for, err, instructional use.
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